Ultimate Pool Remodel Ecofinish Pool Paver Pool Deck Waterfall Feature

Our Story

It all started here.

My name is Jason, and I'm a cofounder of Ultimate Pool Remodel alongside my partner Orlando.

This picture is of my pool in 2022. My wife loves pavers and stone, and it was her dream to have a beautiful paver pool deck.

My wife and I didn't have any trouble finding contractors who were experts at installing pavers -- the trouble was none of them knew how to fix the grade of our pool deck before installing pavers so torrential downpours of rain wouldn't flood our pool area.

That's until we met Orlando.

My wife also wanted a Paver Driveway.

The only trouble was that we live on a steep hill (rare in Florida), and we needed the hill to be graded perfectly and the pavers to be installed immaculately so the pavers would stay in place when large vehicles drive over them.

There was also the issue of needing to reconfigure the driveway so the pavers gradually sloped to the sidewalk, allowing pedestrians to safely cross.

Orlando was the only contractor amongst several who was bold enough to take on the project and knew how to get it done.

Paver Walkway leading to tool shed

as a marketer and construction enthusiast, with Orlando, I saw a way to do good for other homeowners.

After Orlando finished working on my house, I approached him with an idea of letting me do marketing for him. It was clear to me after working with dozens of contractors that Orlando is special...not only did he and his crews deliver unbeatable results, they also exuded integrity. I felt a need to make other homeowners in Tampa Bay aware of Orlando and his crews' special talents.

Thankfully he agreed to partner up, and the rest is history.

30 years of experience

Orlando and Ultimate Pool Remodel's construction crews are the best in installing pavers (concrete, travertine, and marble) on driveways, pools, walkways, patios and more.

They are also unmatched in installing pool tile, pool coping, deco drains, pool skimmers, and water features.

Although Ultimate Pool Remodel was founded recently in 2022, Orlando and our crews carry with them 30+ years of experience and relationships that have allowed our company to pull off better results at better prices than other companies who have been in business for decades longer.

We're here for you.

We founded Ultimate Pool Remodel to lead a change in the professionalism of services residential homeowners receive from construction companies. We consciously design our services to provide homeowners with not only gorgeous results, but also tangible assurances and consistent follow throughs on our promises.

At the end of the day, our satisfaction is knowing that our clients are fulfilled by all the outcomes of our work.